Tale of Royals: Book 1 Read online

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  Two years had passed since Demetris had left and Ardoh had not seen or heard from her. He preferred to live in solitude, away from the rest of the crowd. It might have been the reason she had not sent anyone because it would disclose him. He was not worried, he knew she was well. If any harm had come to her he would have felt it. In fact lately he had begun to feel her presence more as if her powers were intensifying. He rose from his seat and went out to get some air. At times his fortress became too much for him because of all the potions he brewed inside it.

  He supplied them to the local physician and merchants. Medicine and potions had been his life from an early age and still were. Ardoh had chosen to use his power for good. What made his potions so effective were the enchantments and spells he put on them as he brewed. No one except his daughter knew for she had seen him often. He wondered why it was taking her so long to come back home. He had heard through rumor that King Dramon had married and he was pretty sure it was to her. The two had come so far and deserved to be happy.

  Regardless of the fact that King Dramon loved his daughter; he was an evil man with only selfish ambitions. He was only interested in satisfying his thirst for power and dominance. Even his soft spot for Demetris could not stop him or change him. So she had to be prepared to pay the price one day. Only once had he met Dramon. It did not need a second glance for Ardoh to see through the boy. He knew then that any union between his daughter and Dramon would bear disaster.

  The Prophesy had been made by King Dramon’s own mother who had been a powerful woman during her prime. The King, Dramon’s father did not know of this and she had kept the truth about it from him. Up to the time of his death he had known of the magical powers she had possessed and how she had passed them to their second son. Dramon had only been a little boy when it had been foretold. This had scared his mother so much she had sent him away to reside with her brother.

  He was however no fool and had sought help on how to tame and control his power. It was only after his mother’s death he had returned to Damius and succeeded the throne after his father’s passing. It puzzled Ardoh how a person like King Dramon was capable of feeling such a thing as love. There was no feign in his love for Demetris and for this he trusted him with his daughter.


  ‘More people are pouring into the city gates my lady,’ Ezeck told Queen Demetris.

  ‘Accommodate them and give them food especially the old, pregnant and young,’ she answered.

  War had broken out in the south near the midden borders. A rebellion had started and King Dramon had marched with his men to silence it once and for all. It had taken longer than she had expected, it had turned the rebellion was not to be underestimated. He had left her in charge as Queen with the help of Ezeck. She was worried both for her husband whom she had not heard from in a while and for the innocent people whose homes were being destroyed and now sought refuge in the castle walls. She hoped the war would soon be over and be contained so it would not spread to other parts.

  ‘I feel drained off strength Ezeck, I shall be resting if you need anything,’ she said as she stood up.

  She lay down and shut her eyes. No one knew yet for she had not told anyone. Lately she had started to notice how her belly had started to bulge and how quick she was to tire. It could not possibly be, she kept telling herself. She had been with child before to know exactly what was happening to her body. King Dramon’s child grew inside her and it troubled her greatly. Had they lied when they said she could not bear any more children? She remembered how her father had told her that the future had its own ways.

  It had been foretold and it was coming to pass. It was her after all the Prophesy spoke of, who would bear Dramon a child that would bring about havoc and tears to many. She wept silently, laying blame on herself for everything that was to happen. If she had not lived none of this would be taking place. If only she had listened to Ardoh and not gone to seek out Dramon would they all have been saved from that which was to come.

  Ellawy, her maid walked in with a tub of water. She put it on the table and walked towards her Queen.

  ‘You are unwell again my lady,’ she said.

  ‘Yes Ellawy, I feel so exhausted.’

  Ellawy took a towel and dipped it into the tub of water. She took it out, squeezed it lightly and dabbed the Queen’s face with it to cool down her temperature.

  ‘I will tell the tailor to make you new dresses, bigger ones,’ she said with a warm smile.

  ‘Thank you Ellawy, but either way very soon people will start to notice that I am growing heavy,’ Queen Demetris replied in worry.

  ‘You can go away, maybe to your father and come back after giving birth,’ she suggested.

  ‘The King is not here; I cannot leave until he returns.’

  ‘But by that time it would be evident that you are with child and the King…’

  Queen Demetris sighed and faced sideways. Ellawy was correct, if the King found out he would not let her out of his sight. She was even afraid of Ezeck finding out because he would surely send word to Dramon. Of course she could go and live with Ardoh but what would the King say if he were to return and find his Queen absent and the throne empty. He had left her in charge, to rule in his stead and he would be so enraged. Even if she were to do that, she could not hide his child from him forever. Some day he would find out and she could not bear to imagine what he would do to her. She loved King Dramon more than anything but she also feared him.

  ‘I shall need you to do something for me Ellawy. I want you to go someplace for me.’

  ‘Anything for you, I will do gladly.’

  ‘Pass me that parchment and a quill. I shall write a note that I need you to deliver to my father.’

  Ellawy did as told and Demetris scribbled on the piece of parchment and folded it saying, ‘take this, go through the thick part of the forest to the west, when you are there I shall guide you and he will find you.’

  Ellawy did not understand how it would be. Rumor had it that the King and Queen were sorcerers and possessed powers beyond anyone’s imagination. Queen Demetris saw the confused look on her maid’s face and explained to her. Ellawy had proven to be trustworthy and if she was to risk her life for her she needed to know why. Ellawy left to find Ardoh. Queen Demetris lay staring at the window, thinking of her husband. She missed him, now that he had been away for a long time.

  Why were they taking so long to come back and no word had been sent? At times she feared the worst but Ezeck reassured her that all was well. She fell asleep and drifted off to a place she had not visited before. King Dramon was there but she could not see his face. A woman was crying, begging him to spare her life. It was as if she was seeing this from a distance because she could clearly make out the woman’s face. The woman was on her knees, pleading. There was a metallic sound and he took out his sword and the next thing she saw the woman fell to the ground, dead. Dramon wiped the blood off his sword and walked away with a look of satisfaction on his face.

  She woke up with a start before learning the identity of the woman. It could be anyone, even someone she did not know. She felt the evil intent. She hugged the blanket closer to her but it was no comfort whatsoever.

  Ardoh felt his daughter’s aura calling out to him. He went outside and stared at the path. He walked towards it, she was beckoning him and he followed. Ardoh had not walked far when he saw a young woman standing next to a brown horse. There her voice stopped and he knew she wanted him to find this woman.

  ‘Who are you? He asked cautiously.

  ‘A faithful servant of Queen Demetris of Damius,’ she replied.

  She handed him the letter and he read it carefully. He sighed in disbelief at the contents of the letter.

  ‘Wait for me here,’ he said and ran back to his fortress.

  He came back moments later
riding a grey steed. He motioned for her to get on her horse and they rode for Damius. They did not stop even to rest as the horses ran as fast as their hooves could carry them.


  ‘You look worried,’ Ruby said to Tabetha as she helped her dress.

  ‘I had another vision, the same one I have been having. Something is wrong with my mother; I see her face pale and sullen.’

  ‘You cannot visit her,’ Ruby warned.

  ‘I know it is too risky.’

  It had been years since she had learnt that Demetris was her real mother. She had embraced this reality and resented Queen Deidre for not telling her. With Demetris there was a strong connection between them even though they had only spent a little time together. With Queen Deidre they shared no bond even though she had grown up thinking she was her mother. Queen Demetris was warm and kind whereas Queen Deidre was just stone cold.


  ‘I told you Demetris, I warned you, now look what has happened…’ Ardoh shouted at her.

  She just sat quietly. There was nothing to say to justify her actions. It was all true that he had warned her.

  ‘…now you want to include me in this scheme of yours. I have been living in peace away from the world and all its vanity and you want to ruin that. What if Dramon finds out?’ he continued.

  ‘I did not think it would be possible father…’

  ‘Oh do not give me that. You are not too old Demetris. You knew you were still of child bearing age…’

  ‘I love him plus I thought they said I could not…’

  ‘That was a lie concocted for Dramon to lose interest in you thinking you could not bear him a child,’ he paused and sighed, ‘I know child but do you realize that there is no turning back now.’

  She nodded in agreement, ‘I know.’

  ‘Even if you take the child away from Dramon, the child would someday answer to his calling.’

  ‘Please father,’ she begged.

  ‘If Dramon learns of this we will both fall victims to his wrath. Let him raise his child and let the future take its course. Do you know what would happen if the child grows up deprived off its father’s love, it will hate you…’

  ‘But if that helps prevent…’

  ‘No it does not, it would only worsen things. You would not want having your own child loathing you believe me. Raise him Demetris and show him the right way,’ Ardoh advised.

  ‘Dramon will corrupt him.’

  Ardoh did not want to play any part in this. Demetris had always tried to do the right thing, correct mistakes but it always backfired. She had stopped Dramon from taking Tabetha and it was her who had ended up marrying him and how she carried his child. She must have learnt long back that all her efforts to make things right were always fruitless. It was as if disaster followed wherever she stepped foot.

  ‘After this you should know better. It is no use running Demetris, you know very well Dramon will catch up. He always does.’

  ‘Oh for once stop lecturing and help me,’ she said.

  ‘I will do it but after this you are not on your own. I do not know if my enchantment will work on him but if it does whatever you do, do not become intimate with him until you have given birth,’ he warned.

  So Ardoh performed the concealing enchantment on her. No one except her would be able to see her bulging stomach. They would see her slim figure when they looked at her. This would deceive their eyes. Soon after delivering she would let Ardoh remove the enchantment and Dramon would never know. She would take the child away to be raised by someone else.

  ‘I could raise the child for you,’ Ellawy suggested.

  ‘No,’ said Ardoh, ‘the child might grow to resemble Dramon. You need to take him far away.’

  ‘What if the King is not deceived?’ Ellawy asked.

  ‘Then you have better hope he does not come back until you complete your term. He will know you deceived him,’ he said.

  She nodded for she knew the right person she would take her son to. After losing Tabetha she had always longed to have another child. One she could hold and soothe when it cried, feed when hungry and bathe when dirty. If she was to take this child away, this would not be so. It was worth a try, she would visit him. She was determined to make him grow up knowing she was his mother. What would happen when he started to question of his father and why he had to live without his parents? Ardoh, she feared could be correct that someday the child would answer to his calling. He would have royal blood flowing through his veins, Dramon’s blood.

  Demetris had wanted Ardoh to raise the child but he wanted no part to play in all this. She understood his concern. When would she ever stop running, all her life she was always escaping from either this or that? Even now she thought she was finally settled, deep inside she was still on the run.

  ‘When will you listen to me Demetris?’

  ‘I could not bear to live knowing that I could have done something.’

  ‘What is it exactly that you are trying to prove to yourself?’

  ‘That I am not a failure. I have disappointed you many times father and myself,’ she replied.

  ‘If you want to make me proud, do not do this.’

  She avoided his gaze. His request, she could not grant. It was all too late now. Her mind was made up and she was not going back.

  ‘I have to try.’

  ‘This child you carry is powerful, I can feel your power grow by the day, its powers grow with it. Be careful my child, for you cannot deceive the world for long.’

  These were his final words and he left. Ellawy went and out a hand around her in an effort to comfort her. The enchantment had worked because she could not see the bulge anymore. The Queen looked never better.

  ‘Do you think I should listen to my father?’ she asked her maid.

  Ellawy knowing that the Queen expected nothing but an honest answer replied, ‘yes I do, but whatever you choose l will be by your side. Let me pretend to be pregnant and when you give birth I shall take the child and claim it. That way the King would not question.’

  ‘Oh Ellawy, I do not know what I would do without you.’


  Days passed and they turned into months and no one seemed to notice how the Queen had grown heavy. Soon she would birth her son. The bond between them grew by the day and the thought of parting with it devastated her. The only person she shared her sorrows with Ellawy. She caressed her belly and felt a kick and smiled. She felt herself fill with abundant love for this child yet to be born; yet to someday ruin the lives of many and destroy many kingdoms.

  She missed a heart beat when she heard the trumpets sound. He was back, King Dramon had returned. Queen Demetris hurried down to the staircase and went out. She saw him as he rode in followed by a mass of his warriors. His gaze fell on her and she could not breathe for a second. He heart beat furiously. What if unlike the rest he could see past Ardoh’s enchantment? She slowly walked towards him. He got off his horse and hurried to her. But before he took her into his embrace he hesitated and studied her carefully.

  She gasped in fear and forced a smile. King Dramon embraced her and whispered into her ear how much he had missed her and was glad to be back. Queen Demetris only managed to continue smiling forcedly. Back inside the castle as he took off his armor she asked, ‘why did it take you so long to come back?’

  ‘After defeating the Crackens and their excuse of a rebellion we moved on to other lands in the midden. I am happy to say we were victorious, the borders of Damius have stretched,’ he answered.

  ‘I was worried; you did not send word…’

  ‘My dear wife, we were in battle and we slept with one eye open. It was no time to write petty love letters,’ he cut her off with a scoff.

  She banged the goblet she was holding on the table with such the noise produced made an echo. He looked at he
r, this was not normal for her to have tantrums. Realizing that she had acted foolishly she quickly asked for forgiveness. He was quick to dismiss it. She noticed how he clutched his left arm whenever he thought she was not looking.

  ‘Dramon, you were hurt,’ she said as she reached to touch his arm gently.

  ‘It is nothing,’ he said as he pushed her hand away.

  Such pride he had. As his wife she acknowledged that though he was a powerful man he was also human and mortal. His was like everyone else a mere mortal man.

  ‘Let me look at it, do not be like that with me,’ she said.

  Seeing the concern and warmth in her eyes he let her. Plus he also felt something else when she touched him, as if they made a connection he had not felt before. She studied the arm and it had an ugly wound which looked infected.

  ‘Goodness Dramon, did you have this treated?’

  He shook his head and she went on about scolding him for putting his pride above his health.

  ‘I was stabbed by a poisoned arrow. The physician I took with me was killed during an ambush so I had Raphael look at it but as you can see by the state my arm is in he is no physician.

  Being a physician’s daughter and possessing certain powers she used this to heal his wound. He suppressed a cry of pain as he felt the wound burn as if it were on fire. The pain later subdued and the wound was nowhere in sight. He traced his arm where the wound had been and there was nothing.

  ‘You know for a man of your great exploits I am surprised you had not thought of that,’ she mocked him playfully.

  ‘Healing never quite sparked my interest,’ he lied.

  ‘You do not know how to, do you?’

  ‘Do not make me admit that,’ he warned warmly, ‘but I will admit that one cannot possess all.’

  What a proud man her Dramon was, she thought with a laugh. She guessed it had taken every muscle in his body to admit to his imperfections. No one could have it all and he was right. She could not have everything she longed for, even a child to raise and love as she loved the man who stood in front of her now. The enchantment had deceived him too for he did not seem to notice how heavy she had grown or was had he noticed but failed to say it. She closed her eyes and inhaled some air. Her feet were tired and she needed to sit. Queen Demetris felt him grip her tightly and she opened her eyes.

  ‘Are you well?’ he asked with a frown of concern on his face.

  ‘Why do you ask?’

  ‘For a second there I thought you were going to collapse. You look exhausted Demetris,’ he replied.

  ‘I have not been getting enough rest lately with everything that has been taking place,’ she half lied.

  He let go of her and stared at her as she left the room. He had felt it again; the strange sensation as if she was exerting energy. Something had changed about her but he could not quite pinpoint it. She looked different and there was a look of fear in her eyes. He made it a point to ask her later on what bothered her. That night when he settled in next to her he felt her tense. This was not usual of her. Whenever he had gone to bed before she had been there waiting patiently for him welcomingly. Now seemed as if she was distancing herself from him and this concerned him.

  He moved closer to her, still she did not welcome him. Queen Demetris had dreaded this moment. He would surely demand his right to her as her husband especially since they had not been close for a long time now. She was afraid he felt her tension and reluctance. Ardoh had clearly warned her that she should restrain from being intimate with the King until after she had given birth. King Dramon wanted to ask but resisted the urge to. Maybe they had been apart for too long but was she not supposed to be happy and willing to be in his arms.

  ‘Move closer to me,’ he said.

  She did so in order not to arouse any suspicion from him. He tried to kiss her but she turned away to his utter surprise. How could she refuse him after this long?

  ‘Are you still upset as what I said this afternoon? I apologized, did I not?’

  ‘No, I can never stay upset with you for so long,’ she replied starting to feel a bit guilty.

  ‘Then what is the matter?’

  ‘I am not well Dramon.’

  He did not argue with her but left her be. Maybe she was because he had seen how slow she had become and how quick she was to tire. Deciding not to question her any further but to ask Ezeck the following morning, he kissed her on the forehead and bid her goodnight. He fell asleep; the long march home had left him exhausted. She remained awake as guilt ate through her. King Dramon deserved to know his child; deserved to share her joy and expectations. She was denying him this and for that great guilt consumed like venom spreading through one’s veins.

  It was a lengthy period until she was finally able to fall asleep. As soon as her eyes closed she found herself in a familiar place. It was the dream again but just as unclear as before. Did the dream mean he would find out? Was she the woman he killed and found pleasure in doing so? If it was not her who was the woman and what was her crime? But it could not be her, she never dreamt of her own future. If only she could get a closer look to see who it was. In the dream it was as if she was being cautious and keeping her distance afraid that he would kill her too if she moved any closer.


  The tournament was a few days away. This was where all the fighters from all lands came and engaged in combat for their homelands honor and pride. The winner would also walk away with a chest of gold and the hand of any maiden if he so desired. It was during one of these tournaments way back King Dramon had first set eyes on Queen Demetris. She looked young and happy. His eyes had followed her every movement. It was at that moment in time he had started to feel the urge to protect her.

  His eyes darkened in jealousy when she spoke to other men. He fought his best determined to make her notice him but alas her sights were not on the combat. She was not even watching; her face had boredom written all over. Lady Deidre had noticed him however but did not spark his fancy. It was Demetris he found attractive. He had followed her into the garden and plucked a wild rose for her. It was then her eyes had mesmerized him, capturing his heart.

  The tournament was held after each five years at the old city of Hangrig which had long been abandoned by its residents after a plague hit. Now the city remained inhabited except for the caretaker, his family and a few individuals. The city had once been filled with grandeur and riches but now it was deserted. After Morgade’s death to the plague it had see no proper maintenance as all the people had fled. People had started pouring in to the city finding accommodation for the duration of the tournament. Inn keepers made a lot of money as countless numbers of people paid for rooms to rent.

  Nobles set camps with tents embedded with family crests and seals. King Ballant had also set camp. He would not be fighting; he had not done so since his defeat to King Dramon. Rather he would be watching his best fighters in combat. Queen Deidre and Tabetha had also tagged along; it was an event not to be missed. King Dramon had pitched tents near the edge of the city away from the rest of the crowd. Queen Demetris stayed inside for she did not want to be seen. Any day from now she would be due, the contractions had started. Ellawy had come with her even though the King had discouraged it. She had stuck to her promise to fake a pregnancy for the Queen. She could let Queen Demetris travel alone in her state.

  The Queen knew King Ballant and Queen Deidre would be present and soon or later they would have an encounter. She dreaded confronting them, in her condition it would not be ideal. That evening Tabetha sneaked out of her tent and went to see Queen Demetris. She was with Ellawy when she entered the tent who sat fanning her. At first glance Tabetha knew there had to be something wrong with her mother. It took a really close look to understand. Her mother was with child and she shrieked in excitement. Tabetha ran to sit next to her.

  ‘Mother, you are…’

  ‘Hush,’ Queen Demetris rushed to say, ‘do not be so lou
d, Dramon is close.’


  ‘It is a long story and if I tell you swear not to tell a soul,’ she said.

  Tabetha swore to silence, never to breathe a word for as long as she lived. She listened carefully in amusement as her mother spoke. Queen Demetris was left with no choice but to tell her the truth about the Prophesy and how dangerous it would be if King Dramon found out. Tabetha nodded in agreement digesting every word with understanding. All things that had puzzled her fell in place.

  ‘How come I can see it then?’

  ‘You have the gift of sight dear child,’ she replied, ‘I am so afraid Tabetha.’

  ‘Fear not mother, I shall also help,’ Tabetha turned to face Ellawy, ‘thank you for doing this for my mother. I am most grateful.’

  ‘It is my duty,’ replied Ellawy.

  Queen Demetris lay back and took a deep breath. Ellawy continued fanning her to keep her cool. Tabetha held her hand symbolizing the love she had began to feel for her. She felt touched by her actions. If it were not for Demetris she would be the one carrying King Dramon’s child. So had her visions lied to her? Was she not the one who was pleading for her mother to save her child? Was it happening the other way round? After some time Tabetha bid them farewell and retired to her own tent on the other side of the city. No one seemed to have noticed that she had gone out.

  King Dramon came back late finding his Queen fast asleep. He watched her sleep and envied how peaceful she seemed. In his mind he had not known peace, even as a child he had not been capable of such. Greed, anger and bitterness corrupted his mind. At times he told himself that his love for Demetris and the concern for his people were the only virtues he possessed. A tear fell which he quickly wiped away. Lately he had started to feel more responsible for her, maybe because she was unwell and it troubled him to see her in such a state. All the physicians could not determine the cause and he suspected it was magic.

  He wished to spend more time with her but he had to train with his warrior. He needed him to win in order to prove his kingdom was still the best. He had once lost to King Ballant when they were young. King Ballant had been recently crowned and needed the victory to gain his people’s confidence. This loss had left a huge bruise to his ego. Although he had years later defeated King Ballant in combat it was still not satisfying enough. It was when King Ballant had won and claimed Deidre’s hand. She could not refuse for her parents were thrilled and the rules of the tournament forbid it. He had seen her misery, she had wanted him but he had wanted another.


  The drums were beat as the arena filled signaling the start of the tournament. The ordinary sat on one side of the arena whilst the other side was reserved for nobles and royals. People stood up as a sign of respect whenever a noble or royal entered and took their seat. Queen Deidre walked beside her husband as Tabetha followed close behind. They were about to reach their seats when she saw her. Her eyes surely had to be deceiving her, she had to be dreaming. King Ballant was in an equal state of shock as he recognized the face. Queen Demetris stood up slowly recognizing the two people she had once trusted and who in return had betrayed her.

  King Dramon looked on with an evil look on his face. The look of shock written on their faces pleased him greatly. For a moment they looked frozen in grief and utter shock.

  ‘Do I see a ghost?’ King Ballant asked as he moved closer carefully.

  ‘Yes Ballant, I have come back to haunt you,’ she replied coldly.

  He looked like he was about to cry and said, ‘oh how I have spent sleepless nights condemning myself for what I did to you. Oh Demetris…’

  ‘It is Queen Demetris now,’ King Dramon broke in as he stared coldly at them.

  ‘Queen?’ Queen Deidre asked in almost a whisper.

  ‘Yes Deidre,’ Queen Demetris said, ‘I guess we are equal now.’

  ‘Mother,’ Tabetha said and both Queens turned to face her.

  ‘How dare you turn your head,’ Queen Demetris spat at Queen Deidre in rage, ‘you are not her mother.’

  ‘Mother,’ Tabetha said once more, ‘you are not well, take a seat.’

  She sat down and Queen Deidre stared at Tabetha in surprise. She had just addressed Demetris as her mother instead of her. Tabetha moved and put a hand on her mother’s shoulder. It was a silent way of telling her to calm down; it was not good for her condition.


  ‘She knows the truth,’ Queen Demetris spoke for her.

  ‘Excuse us Tabetha,’ King Ballant ordered.

  She did as told and they were left alone. They sat down because people were starting to stare in their direction. It would be rather indiscrete to create a scene. The four waved at the crowd who did not care much.

  ‘Do not worry Ballant,’ King Dramon began, ‘she forgave you or else we would not be sitting here this very moment. You would probably be a prisoner of war in one of my dungeons together with that excuse of…’

  ‘Dramon,’ Queen Demetris warned softly.

  She knew what he was going to say. This was no time or place to exchange harsh words especially in the presence of all these people. He obeyed her, understanding it was for the best. King Ballant and Queen Deidre looked extremely agitated and restless. They were not expecting such a confrontation at such a moment. They sat quiet for a while, tears threatened Demetris’s eyes as she looked at her once close friend. She stood up and they all looked up at her.

  ‘I need some air,’ she told King Dramon, ‘I shall not be long, I feel out of breath.’

  He nodded and let her go. Tension brewed as Dramon noted, ‘you should be grateful for if it were not for her your little Jarethafat would be in ruins and under my rule.

  ‘I am,’ King Ballant replied.

  His army would be no match for King Dramon’s. If they were to engage in battle he would suffer tremendous defeat and he was truly grateful. King Ballant sat with his head in his hands feeling embarrassed and helpless at the same time. He struggled to find the right words to express the guilt that he had kept all those years. What he had done to Demetris haunted him. He remembered the fear and betrayal in her eyes the night he had intruded her bed. Queen Deidre however would have none of it and sat with her arms folded proudly. She felt no remorse whatsoever even after realizing that the friend she had once thought dead had turned out alive and well. She wanted to scold her husband for being so soft. He should stand up to the bully Dramon, till when would they stop living in fear of him.

  ‘She might have pardoned you but you still have a long way to go with me.’

  ‘I thought she had died during childbirth,’ King Ballant said to himself.

  ‘She did not as you see. Your poor plot did not work.’

  King Ballant looked up at him in surprise and asked, ‘what plot?’

  ‘Oh Dramon, spare us your bitter lies…’ Queen Deidre broke in to prevent him from speaking the truth.

  ‘I DO NOT TELL LIES,’ he roared in irritation, ‘you tried to kill her. As if it had not been enough she had bore you a child.’

  King Ballant looked questionably at his wife who had grown paler. All this time he thought Demetris had died in childbirth. This information was new to him meaning his wife had lied to him. What kind of person was she? Queen Deidre just sat fidgeting avoiding both men’s gaze. The truth was finally out and she knew no matter what she said King Ballant would never believe her.

  ‘Honestly Dramon, I know not of what you speak of,’ King Ballant confessed.

  ‘Deidre does,’ King Dramon said with a scoff, ‘there had been no need to kill her. You knew well she would have kept your secret.’

  ‘I did what needed to be done,’ she responded.

  ‘Darn you Deidre; are you that heartless?’ her husband asked with a pained tone in his voice.

  The first fight was about to start and they became silent. They sat quietly to watch although they would not be paying any attention. King Bal
lant felt at the verge of tears. He had been devastated when his wife had reported Demetris dead. He had so wanted to ask her forgiveness but with her dead he would have to endure a life of regret and guilt; seeing her that day and having his wife admit to such cruelty scared and tore his heart apart.