Tale of Royals: Book 1 Read online

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  When he found out his daughter was missing, King Ballant burst into an outrage. No one had seen her leave and he feared she might have been abducted. He sent guards to search for her but the returned empty handed. The whole court became restless fearing for their princess’ wellbeing.

  ‘Look for her,’ he ordered his guards, ‘do not just stand there.’

  They nodded and went out again, knowing quite well that the search would remain fruitless. Days had passed without so much as a trace of Tabetha and King Ballant was beginning to doubt if he would ever see her again or worse, if she was still alive. He suspected King Dramon for this ill deed but there was no proof to suggest such. When word reached every land of the missing Princess, King Dramon smiled in satisfaction. Now King Ballant knew how it felt to have something one loved taken away.

  Tabetha and Martina had met and were getting along well. They spent huge amounts of time together. King Dramon had never seen Demetris more happy than she was with her daughter. Tabetha listened and learned about her power which seemed to intrigue her. She had forgotten that her father would be worried about her. That night as King Dramon sat with Martina in her chambers he pulled her closer to him. He had missed holding her and being intimate with her. He bent down to kiss her but she pulled away and said, ‘no Dramon.’

  ‘I have waited for so long Demetris, do not deny me now,’ he spoke with a note of pleading.

  ‘I have missed you also,’ she replied and stood up, ‘but I cannot.’


  ‘I had missed my name so much also…’

  ‘Do you not want to be with me?’

  ‘I do, more than anything dear. It is just that,’ she paused and confessed, ‘I can never give you what you desire. I am not young anymore.’

  She faced downwards as she spoke, embarrassed. With his hand he raised her face such that they looked each other in the eye and he said, ‘marry me Demetris.’

  She gasped and stammered, ‘become Queen?’

  ‘Yes, I shall not leave you wanting for anything as long as you are mine.’

  ‘Dramon I am not of noble birth. All I can be is maybe your mistress or…’

  He stood up abruptly and waived a fist. When would she stop doubting him? Silently he scoffed and said, ‘you anger me such Demetris, so often. I am King Dramon and I can change the laws, no one can contest.’

  She threw herself into his arms. Was this the right thing to do? She knew he would never give up until she had agreed to marry him. But would it guarantee that he would not father a child with Tabetha if she married him. Lately he had begun treating Tabetha like his own child but she felt she needed to know what would become of his hunger for an heir.

  ‘What of Tabetha?’

  ‘I do not fancy her, you know full well the reason I did what I did but now that you are here it changes everything,’ he spoke in a soft and tender voice.

  ‘I cannot bear you a child.’

  ‘Hush. Rest my love, we shall speak tomorrow. Think of my proposal please.’

  He exited her chambers and closed the doors behind him. Ezeck was waiting for him outside and smiled at the look on his King’s face. The King had been successful in his endeavor.

  ‘I take it she has agreed.’

  ‘Demetris does not know she is still able to conceive,’ he told his advisor.

  It had been said that apart from Tabetha she could not have any other more children but that was not true. It was a possibility but she did not know. Now he could have what he had always wanted. The sooner they got married, the sooner he could take her to his chambers.

  ‘You will be triumphant my King,’ Ezeck said.

  ‘So what news do you have me?’

  King Dramon walked as Ezeck updated him on the recent news from Jarethafat about Tabetha and other matters of security.


  The wedding took place four days later. The whole kingdom celebrated as they felt it was time their King married. There was a huge feast and everyone was merry. The decorations for the festivities were enlightening and perfect. Every detail had been well taken note of. Martina had decided to use her real name once more for she had nothing to be afraid of. She looked beautiful and young as she stood making her vows to her new husband. The gown she wore was made from the finest fabric which had been imported. Later as she sat next to her husband at the table, she looked at the people of Damius and smiled. They had accepted her warmly and this pleased her.

  ‘Look at your people,’ he whispered into her ear, ‘very soon you will be helping me rule them. I am yet to announce a date for your crowning.’

  ‘Oh I think I will leave the ruling part to you,’ she said with a laugh, ‘you seem to have everything under control.’

  He gave a laugh, ‘you look breathtaking.’

  She blushed, smiling non-stop. Demetris was acting like a young girl. Like every woman she had dreamt of marriage but never after the incident with King Ballant had she thought that possible. Tabetha had not graced the occasion; she watched from her window the proceedings. The people of Damius did not know that she was living amongst them. Plus with word that she was missing, King Dramon could not risk anyone recognizing her and running off to Jarethafat. It would cause confusion and mayhem in the court. People would never understand.

  Tabetha had helped her mother dress for her wedding and had cried with her in joy. Demetris had spared her daughter the real truth behind her conceiving. She had told her that she had agreed to bear Ballant and Deidre a child. She had also omitted the part about when they had attempted to kill her. After the festivities everyone retired to their quarters. The atmosphere was still merry and cheerful. Demetris knew she had to share King Dramon’s chambers now that they were man and wife.

  They had both waited for this moment for a long time. Very soon she would be crowned Queen of Damius and no one would dare try and harm her. Even if King Ballant was to find out she was still alive, there was nothing he could do to her.


  When word reached Jarethafat that King Dramon had married King Ballant became sick with worry that it had been to his missing daughter. He shivered in anger at this form of disrespect. Queen Deidre was equally furious, she kept snapping at her maids.

  ‘The people must not know of this,’ he told his advisors, who agreed to this.

  ‘Yes sire,’ they chorused.

  ‘Send the best spies we have to Damius, bring me all the information possible. I want details about now this came to be,’ he continued and dismissed them.

  If word was to reach the people, he would never show his face again. It would be too shameful; every tongue would be wagging about it. He imagined how it would sound, how the crown Princess ran away and wed the man who had been denied her hand. It would prove that King Dramon had no respect towards him and as a king it would damage his people’s belief and confidence in him.

  The spies that were sent never returned. King Dramon had found out about them and had them captured. When he heard of this; King Ballant was even more furious than before. Despite his anger he also felt betrayed. How could his daughter do this to him? How could Tabetha just up and leave to marry King Dramon of all people? All this commotion had worsened the Queen’s health. She now spent most of her time bed ridden. It had left her heart broken. As soon as she was well enough she would ride to Damius and confront Tabetha.

  She told her husband of this, when he visited her to see how she was recovering.

  ‘I feel it is not a good idea,’ he told her expressing his opinion.

  ‘We have no choice,’ she said.

  ‘You cannot travel in your condition, rest and recover.’

  ‘But when I get better?’

  ‘Then we will.’

  Queen Deidre sighed in relief. For a moment she thought he was going to refuse. Now she had to recover. She lay down and tried to get some rest.

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  ‘It has been a long time since I left my father’s kingdom. I wish to go back,’ Tabetha said one evening as they sat to dine.

  ‘Indeed,’ King Dramon responded.

  ‘But I will come back and visit,’ she was quick to reassure Demetris.

  Demetris just smiled for she knew the day would come when Tabetha would go back to Jarethafat. She could not stay in Damius forever especially after word had reached her that King Ballant was furious. Tabetha did not belong in Damius. Her place was with her father and they would be committing a great evil if they refused her that.

  ‘We will not hold you here any longer if you so desire,’ King Dramon spoke for Demetris, ‘it is only fair.’

  Tabetha looked at him and smiled. Lately she had gained respect for him. She admired the way he loved and cared for Demetris. In all her life she had never seen her parents show each other such affection. King Ballant and Queen Deidre were cold towards each and only showed a tiny bit of affection to keep up appearances. However a part of her was bitter and resented King Dramon for deceiving her. This she had not told anyone except for her trusted maidservant Ruby. Even though he loved Demetris, there was still bad and evil in him.

  She saw how at times his eyes changed color in hate and spite whenever she mentioned her father. He would of course not say anything ill towards her father in fear of what Demetris would say. She wondered why he loathed her father so; one could not hold such a grudge for something as petty as a woman. There had to be something grave behind what Demetris had told her.

  ‘Come to think of it,’ Demetris began, ‘I think I should also go visit my father.’

  He eyed her warningly. She knew the dangers of travelling when King Ballant’s spies were all over. It would not be safe for her to go.

  ‘I think it wise if he was to come here instead,’ he instructed rather than suggested.

  ‘If it is for the better,’ she answered.

  ‘So, I plan to ride for my kingdom the day after the morrow,’ Tabetha interrupted.

  ‘So soon?’ Demetris asked.

  ‘Yes, my being here had sent tension flying between my kingdom and yours. The longer I stay here I fear my father will wage war.’

  ‘What wise words for a young Princess,’ he said to her, ‘everything you require will be provided for you.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  They ate quietly for the remainder of the meal. Demetris was first to excuse herself although it was tradition that the King rise first. She was the only one who dared go against him and he simply did not care. But she knew to stay within her boundaries for he was a quick man to anger. She saved her disapproval and arguments for when they were alone. He appreciated her discretion very much and for that he respected her. She had already settled in to sleep when he entered their chambers. She was still awake waiting for him. He disrobed and settled in next to her.

  ‘Speak your mind,’ he said to her.

  ‘I really do want to go see my father. I left in such haste,’ she answered.

  ‘It is not safe for you.’

  ‘I was not seeking your permission. I was informing you of a decision I have made,’ she replied daringly.

  ‘And you dare go against my word?’

  ‘If you are looking to control me Dramon, I am afraid it is in vain.’

  He sat up with a jerk and said, ‘you dare insult me woman.’

  Realizing that she had annoyed him she dared not provoke him any further. With one hand she traced the tense features on his face. This seemed to have a calming effect on him.

  ‘Pardon me my husband. I should not have shown such lack of respect.’

  ‘Do not repeat it for I hate to be upset with you,’ he kissed her and bid her good night.

  He slept with his back to her. It was evident he was still upset with her. After all those years of living in solitude and under false identity; obeying orders was a thing she was not used to. Now that things were different it was difficult for her adjusting and being Queen would be even more difficult. He had not fallen asleep yet, like her he was prisoner to his own thoughts. He lay still, not making any movement.

  ‘Dramon,’ she nudged him gently as she called his name.

  ‘Yes Demetris.’

  ‘Really do forgive me for I know you are still troubled.’

  ‘It does not matter anymore,’ he replied dismissively.

  ‘Then why do you act so cold towards me?’

  ‘Because,’ he said and turned to face her, ‘you have changed, what happened to you?’

  ‘I am no longer the sweet, innocent girl I was back then Dramon. I learnt the hard way and I had to live the hard way too. I am not fit to be a queen of any sort. It is out of love I agreed to this union.’

  ‘I know we cannot be as we were but do not make things impossible. You refuse to submit to me yet you call yourself a wife. If you cannot pledge your undying loyalty to me then you are unworthy to be crowned Queen of Damius,’ he spoke bluntly.

  Tears welled up in her eyes. She wept softly for the truth he had spoken troubled her. By marrying him, she had agreed to be under him as her husband and new King. Marriage was not at all as she had dreamt. There was so much required of her, so many rules to follow. He would postpone her crowning if she did not pledge her undying allegiance and support for him and every decision he would make.

  ‘There, there,’ he said, ‘do not cry. I wish not argue with you. It breaks my heart to see you cry like this. Now weep not my love.’

  With that he pulled her closer into his arms and kissed her passionately. She stopped crying and kissed him back, submitting to his will to do as he pleased with her as her husband.

  Meanwhile Tabetha got ready to go to bed. Ruby helped her undress and get into her sleeping gown.

  ‘I cannot wait to go back,’ Ruby said.

  ‘I do miss my father very much,’ she added.

  ‘And will you tell them?’

  ‘No, we shall not utter a word Ruby,’ she quickly said.

  ‘Why do you protect them?’

  ‘I do not wish to ruin their happiness. They have treated us with such hospitality, it is only decent we repay their kindness,’ she answered.

  ‘You are right, the other servants here have been pretty accommodating especially Raphael,’ said Ruby with a blush.

  ‘Do you wish to stay behind…for him?’

  ‘Oh no Princess; I could never bear to leave your side. My loyalty lies with you alone…’

  ‘Ruby you are not going to grow old with me. One thing I have learnt from our stay here is when an opportunity for love arises no matter the situation and conditions grasp it with your life.’

  Ruby sighed and replied, ‘I am going back home with you.’

  ‘Good, I would hate leaving you behind.’

  With that not more was said on the topic. Ruby was Tabetha’s servant and would serve her until the day she died even if it meant she would be alone without a companion to love her like any young woman her age desired. If she were to marry, it had to be someone from Jarethafat so that she could be close to the Princess.


  King Ballant was relieved when he saw Tabetha riding in. He ran to meet her; he was happy to see his precious daughter. She disembarked her horse and ran into his embrace. The two had missed each other and both were glad to be re-united. Neither was had ever spent a large amount of time separated from the other, this had been the longest. He finally let go of her and asked, ‘where have you been dear child? I have been worried.’

  ‘I am well father. We got lost after wandering far and a village took us in,’ she lied.

  ‘Oh my dear child, I had started to think the worst.’

  They looked at each other and smiled. He led her into the hall; he wished to scold her but the words to do so, escaped him. He was just glad she was back home and safe. Queen Deidre however rushed to do so as soon as she
saw her. The Queen did not even embrace her but continued scolding her. Tabetha stood quietly staring directly at her. Had she not kind words especially after being apart for so long?

  ‘I thought you would be happy to see me mother,’ she finally said.

  ‘You cannot just do as you please, you are spoiled.’

  ‘I can do anything I want. Now excuse me mother I need to go rest.’

  Queen Deidre was shocked at Tabetha’s behavior. What was that supposed to mean? The Queen could not stand such disrespect but she knew it was no use telling her husband who was thrilled to have his daughter back. He loved Tabetha so much he was blind of her indiscretions. She went for her chambers vowing to teach Tabetha a lesson some day. When Queen Deidre reached Tabetha’s chambers she barged in violently and demanded, ‘you were in Damius, were you not?’

  ‘Where I was does not concern you.’

  ‘Did you marry him?’

  ‘Who exactly are we talking about here?’

  ‘You know well who I am referring to; King Dramon.’

  ‘If it makes you feel any better, no I did not marry him. I was not in Damius; as I said before I was in some village where the people are a lot nicer than you,’ Tabetha replied coldly.

  The Queen could say no more. Something had changed about Tabetha; she could not quite pinpoint it but was determined to get to the bottom of it. Ever since she sat back foot in Jarethafat Tabetha had been nothing but disrespectful towards her. It was evident in the way she spoke and acted. She visited King Ballant’s chambers that night to express her disapproval. He sat and listened as she went on about his daughter’s despicable behavior.

  ‘She speaks to me as if I am nothing,’ she complained.

  ‘You are overacting Deidre. Give her time; she was far from home…’

  ‘Does it not disturb you? I fear she is not being honest about her whereabouts.’

  King Ballant gave a small laugh and asked, ‘what then do you suggest?’

  ‘She was in Damius.’

  ‘Oh Deidre, do not blow this out of proportion..,’

  ‘Tell me the same thought hasn’t crossed your mind?’

  ‘Then you are suggesting that it is her who married Dramon?’


  He broke out laughing. His wife could be so consumed at times and it was rather hilarious.

  ‘Deidre do not pester me with such petty ravings,’ he said in between laughs.

  It was no use talking to him she concluded. She stormed out and went to her chambers to retire for the night determined more than before to find out exactly where Tabetha was.