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Tale of Royals: Book 1 Page 4


  Martina resented herself for everything that was taking place. She had to stop it; maybe it was the reason she had lived so that one day she would stop King Dramon. That was the reason she had escaped dead twenty years ago. It was then that she thought of her backstabbing friend Deidre, who had used her and disposed of her. She had trusted her very much. It came out she was the one who had told Ardoh about Prince Dramon and her. Deidre had had been jealous and envious. Deidre had used her to get what she wanted and by the time she realized this it was already too late.

  One night King Ballant had come to her bed and forced himself on her. She had been devastated and the only person she could turn to was her friend Queen Deidre. The Queen had been unquestionably supportive even when she found out she was carrying King Ballant’s child. It was on the night she gave birth the truth became known to her. Martina was not even given the chance to hold her baby; she had been taken away as soon as she was delivered.

  ‘Deidre why?’ she had begged her friend.

  ‘Because I cannot have children of my own so I am going to raise her as my own,’ Queen Deidre had replied coldly.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘It was planned Demetris that the King bed you so that you could bear us a child.’

  It was you?’

  ‘Yes it was, however reluctant Ballant was he did it anyway. Poor man wanted an heir so bad,’ Queen Deidre spoke without a care in the world.

  ‘So you sent him to defile me…’

  ‘Oh it is not as if Dramon had not already…’

  ‘How could you?’

  ‘Oh do not shed tears; you should have realized earlier our friendship ended a long time ago and now it is time to say farewell old friend.’

  The Queen’s maids came and held her down as one forced a bitter tasting potion into her mouth. She was forced to swallow it knowing full well it was poison. Queen Deidre looked on with a smile and that was the last face she saw before she passed out. It was at that moment Ardoh felt a strange feeling. He had always had a special bond with her; he could always feel her presence even if she was far away. Now he felt it slipping away slowly and it was then he realized what was happening. Just then Queen Deidre came running into the room.

  ‘Come quickly,’ she said, ‘it is Demetris. She died during childbirth.’

  He followed her silently as she narrated her version of what had taken place. When they entered the room his heart sank at the sight of his daughter. She was still alive but only he could feel it and knew it. He went and stood next to her and shed a few tears.

  ‘Can I have her body so that I can bury her with the rest of the family,’ he asked.

  Queen Deidre nodded in agreement and he took his daughter into his arms and carried her out of the room. Before leaving the room he had turned around and asked, ‘what of the child?’

  ‘Her last request was I take care of the child so I will raise it as my own.’

  Without another word Ardoh had taken his daughter to a faraway place, the very fortress he now resided where no one could find them. There he used his power and knowledge of herbs and potions to revive her, saving her from the brink of death. It took a while but she recovered and was finally able to tell him exactly what had taken place. She told him of Queen Deidre’s deceit and manipulation. He had suspected such, for he had long sensed evil intentions from the Queen. She had been enraged and vowed to get vengeance.

  Ardoh had tried to stop her in a bid to protect her but driven by maternal instincts had used her powers against him. This angered him and he disowned her, forbidding her from ever calling herself his daughter. When word came out she was still alive the Queen sent soldiers to hunt her down. She had been caught but the soldiers had taken pity on her and allowed her freedom. She was told to run to a distant land where she would be safe. She was still indebted to them and was forever grateful.

  It was after this fateful day she came across Irene in the woods close to the small village of Essecass. Irene took her in and offered her a new life far from her fears. There alone and lonely she learnt to master and control her powers for she felt guilty for what she had done to her father. She had lived a new life until the dreams started. All this while she lived thinking she had given birth to a boy child only for the dreams to prove it had actually been a girl. It was the same daughter that King Dramon intended to marry.

  Martina knew like every child in her bloodline, her daughter must possess powers as they had been passed on from parent to child over the generations.


  ‘Are you planning on going somewhere sire?’ Ezeck asked as he met King Dramon in the passage way.

  ‘Yes Ezeck, I will be back by noon tomorrow,’ he replied.

  ‘Will you be travelling alone?’

  ‘Yes, there is a matter of delicate importance I have to attend to personally. Tell Raphael to prepare my horse.’

  Ezeck did as told and within minutes King Dramon rode out of the gates of Damius.


  Princess Tabetha loved the outdoors. She went out with Ruby to pick flowers for her mother who had taken ill again. Ruby followed behind holding the large basket of flowers.

  ‘Very soon the rain is going to come and the fields will be green and the trees will bloom,’ she said happily.

  At that moment Ruby gave out a horrified yelp. Tabetha turned around abruptly and saw a wild bull charging towards them. She dropped the flowers and ran for her life, as fast as her feet could carry her. It kept charging after her and she screamed for help. Ruby looked on helplessly; she could not move a muscle. Ruby finally found her strength and stood up from where she had fallen. The first thing she could think of was saving her mistress. She picked up a handful of stones and threw them at the beast but it kept its eyes on Tabetha.

  Tabetha tripped and fell. The Princess covered her face, if the worst was to happen she did not want to see it. She squeezed her eyes shut waiting for the beast to trample over her but it did not. Everything went quiet and then she heard Ruby call out her name. Slowly she opened her eyes and sat up straight. The beast lay dead a few yards from her with an arrow in its side.

  ‘Princess,’ Ruby cried out.

  ‘Oh Ruby,’ she said in almost a whisper.

  Ruby embraced her and checked to see whether she had been hurt. Except for a few bruises and minor cuts, the Princess was unharmed.

  ‘W…h…a...t….’ she stammered.

  ‘He saved you, you should have seen how he shot the beast from a distance,’ Ruby replied.


  Before she could answer a voice from amongst the trees said, ‘I, my lady.’

  Tabetha with the help of Ruby got on her feet and looked at the stranger in gratitude. He dismounted his ride and gave a bow. Her heart missed a beat; he was the most handsome being she had ever set her eyes on. Btu he was probably a farmer or herds boy by the way he was dressed.

  ‘Identify you,’ she said.

  ‘I am Dylane, I could not help but overhear your screams for help,’ he replied with another bow.

  ‘You have just saved my life, I will take you to my father at once and you shall be rewarded generously,’ she said as she gave him her hand.

  He took it in his, kissed it and said humbly, ‘I do not seek treasures. Your safety and gratitude alone are enough a reward for me.’

  ‘You are so modest,’ she said with a smile, ‘I am forever in your debt.’

  He gave her a big smile and said gladly, ‘rightly so, my lady. Let me take you to the plain where you will be safe and close to home.’

  They rode together until they were out of the woods and near the plain. He bid them farewell and just as he was about to ride off the Princess said, ‘we will meet again Dylane.’

  He just smiled and watched them ride off. Left alone he said, ‘indeed we shall.’

  With that the handsome young man changed into King
Dramon and rode back to his kingdom. It was exactly noon when he arrived with a triumphant grin etched on his face. Ezeck greeted him at the door and asked, ‘I hope you had a good trip sire.’

  ‘All went as planned. Now I have the Princess exactly where I want her,’ he replied with an evil grin.

  ‘I do not follow sire.’

  ‘Let us just say I happened to save the life of Princess Tabetha and that makes her indebted to me.’

  Ezeck knew better than to question the King any further. He was glad that whatever the King was doing it was proving successful.


  King Ballant was shocked with his daughter’s appearance. She was dirty and had twigs in her hair. Ruby looked equally filthy as she followed Tabetha. He folded his arms in preparation to scold her. She ran towards him and said before he could utter a word, ‘father, you will not believe what took place. We were attacked by a horrendous beast in the woods.’


  ‘But a man saved me…’

  ‘You should have seen how he shot the monster from…’

  ‘And who asked you,’ he said to Ruby.

  She looked down and left the room.

  ‘Father,’ Tabetha said, ‘it is not her fault.’

  He ignored her complaint and asked, ‘and who is this supposed man?’

  ‘He is called Dylane, I do not think he is from nearby,’ she replied.

  ‘Where is he?’

  ‘I have never seen such a modest man. He refused any rewards.’

  ‘Then thank goodness you are safe. I forbid you to go wandering without guards, do you hear me?’

  ‘Yes father.’

  ‘Go and bathe.’

  That night the Princess could not stop thinking about the young man who had saved her from the wild bull. No man had ever made her heart skip a beat like that. Never had she laid eyes on such male beauty. He must have a lot of maidens desiring his attention. Suddenly she felt the urge to see him again. She had not even asked him where he lived but she remembered he mentioned he was from another kingdom. Tabetha could not stop smiling to herself whenever his face appeared in her mind.

  A week had passed since the encounter with the wild bull. Now her father had assigned guards to follow her wherever she went. She had gone into the woods twice hoping to meet Dylane but luck was not on her side. One day as she rode with Ruby by a stream she saw him. He was bent down filling his gourd with water. A smile lit his face when he saw her and he said in greeting, ‘my fair lady.’

  ‘Dylane,’ she said in excitement.

  ‘Well you did say we would meet again and here we are,’ he said with such charm her heart melted.

  Dylane saw the look in her eyes and knew she had fallen in love with him. He continued to charm her until she agreed to meet him the following day. Princess Tabetha sneaked out of the palace the following day and rode to meet him. He looked happy to see her and helped her off her horse. They found a nice quiet spot and sat down to talk. Tabetha had brought a basket of food which Ruby had prepared. She took out a cloth a spread it across the spot where she arranged the goodies for them to eat as the spoke.

  ‘It is a shame you are a farmer, do you not think so Dylane?’ she asked during their conversation.

  ‘I am not a farmer Princess but an explorer. I find pleasure in travelling into foreign lands and acquiring what those lands have to offer,’ Dylane spoke softly and kissed her.

  Yes; he enjoyed taking foreign lands and what they had to offer especially her. as he kissed her he blocked the thought of Demetris from his mind. Never had a man tasted her lips and she felt her abdomen tighten. She tensed and her sensed her unease and rushed to apologize for his disrespectful behavior. She quickly dismissed the matter saying, ‘but if my father were to find out about…’

  ‘Then he shan’t.’

  ‘But if I continue sneaking out he is bound to suspect…’

  ‘You worry too much.’

  She took his words and smiled. There was absolutely no crime in loving although it was someone her father would never approve. But Dylane was better than King Dramon because unlike the King he was kind, charming and handsome. She was in the middle of such pleasant thoughts when she felt a familiar feeling overwhelm her. She let out a scream and held her head as if it were throbbing. She fell to the ground and lay still for a while before her eyes opened. Tabetha felt so embarrassed that it had happened in the presence of Dylane.

  To her surprise he remained calm and gave her some water. She took it, taking the sips slowly. He looked at her and felt a sudden feeling of hesitation. So she also had the gift of sight like her mother. He wanted to know what she had seen. He hoped she had not seen his plans for he was making such progress.

  ‘I beg your pardon for that,’ she said.

  ‘No need to, I see you are also special. I had my friend, who was like that years back when I was just a boy,’ he answered.

  ‘So there are others like me,’ she expressed in relief, ‘tell me more.’

  ‘She could see things that had not yet come to pass…’

  ‘Exactly like me.’

  ‘But she had dreams instead of visions,’ he continued.

  ‘It never made sense before, so it is the future I see?’

  ‘Oh not; maybe those which are taking place at that moment.’

  Tabetha felt he was the only person who understood her. She felt a strange connection between them. He pitied her naive and trusting nature. It would make it easy for him to manipulate her as he had planned.

  ‘What do you see?’ he asked curiously.

  ‘I always see a woman but they are just bits and pieces, flashes so to say. She always looks worried and troubled. What confuses me is that she looks like me but older. There is something about her eyes and she keeps looking at an emerald ring, as if confused whether to wear or not,’ she said.

  ‘And what did you see now?’ he asked her.

  ‘She was holding a child and I was helping her save the child.’

  Dylane smiled at the sound of this. It meant there was the possibility she was going to have his child. Who was this woman she saw and why was she helping her save the child? A woman who looked like her? He inhaled a gasp of air. It was not possible, could she still be alive? He pushed the thought aside, it was impossible. Demetris had been dead for more than twenty years now but the memory of her still alive in his mind. Now as he sat with her daughter his heart sank. He had wanted to marry Demetris even though she had not been of noble birth and his status would not have allowed it.

  That was all in the past now, there was no use in giving it further thought. The two spent the rest of the afternoon together, chasing each other around and laughing. But there was sadness in his laughter for at one time it had been Demetris he had laughed, danced and ran with.

  ‘Are you alright?’ she asked when she saw the sudden change of expression on his face.

  ‘It is nothing you need to bother yourself with,’ he replied.

  ‘I will race you back to the horses,’ she said and started running.


  ‘Ever since she came back from the woods that day, I have never seen her any happier,’ King Ballant said to his Queen as they took their daily walk through the palace garden.

  The garden was his treasure. He looked to it that it was well maintained and watered. In it grew many species of flowers which were his pride and joy. But before his garden he cherished his wife and daughter above all else.

  ‘Indeed, I am glad to see her so happy,’ she said.

  ‘She is going to make a great ruler some day,’ he said.

  Queen Deidre just smiled and kept quiet. They slowed their pace and walked in silence for a while. Finally it was the Queen who broke the silence by asking, ‘what of her marriage?’

  The King thought long and hard about this and sighed. They had to find a suitable husband for Tabetha. H
owever strong and courageous she was, she could not rule the entire kingdom alone. She had to have a decent suitor by her side.

  ‘She has not shown interest in any man so far,’ he said.

  ‘I do hope she gets married before I die because…’

  ‘Stop it Deidre, do not speak of death,’ he quickly cut her off.

  ‘I am unwell and I have been in such a state for some time now,’ she replied calmly.

  ‘I forbid you to talk of such ever again. Do you understand me Deidre?’ he demanded.

  She nodded and walked away. He remained behind meditating on what would become of him if she would die. It was true she had been unwell for some time now. It was of this reason they did not bear a child together. He had forbidden anyone who knew of her ailment to speak of it. Only a few in their close circle knew that the Queen was not Tabetha’s real mother and it was to stay that way. Anyone who would speak of it would be imprisoned for the rest of their life. He loved Tabetha, even more than his wife. Tabetha had her mother’s eyes and whenever he looked into them felt guilt searing through him. It had been Deidre’s idea and because he was young and foolish and desired a child so much agreed to it.

  He remembered the look of fear on Demetris’s face the night he had visited her bed. Queen Deidre had invited her to stay at the palace. He had been against the idea but he loved Deidre so much then that he did everything she wished. That love had faded however as the years went by and he realized what a cold hearted woman she was. Now he tolerated her because they were married and she was his Queen. He knew this for they had not shared the same bed for many years. As the years progressed so had they continued to drift further apart.


  Tabetha found it hard to stop daydreaming about Dylane. Ruby tried to make her snap out of it but it was useless. The Princess had found herself overly smitten with Dylane and it worried Ruby.

  ‘Have you ever been in love?’ Tabetha asked Ruby.

  ‘No,’ Ruby answered honestly, ‘I have not had time to meet any man. I am always at your side, remember.’

  Since Ruby was always close to the Princess and no man ever dared come close. Most young women her age were already married. Ruby was older than the Princess by three years and it saddened her how lonely she got at times.

  ‘It is such a wonderful emotion,’ she said with a grin.

  ‘So I see.’

  ‘Ah do not be jealous Ruby, we should find you someone,’ suddenly the Princess suggested with a jerk.

  Ruby did not say a thing. She just giggled and continued folding the garments in her hands into a drawer.

  ‘I am serious,’ the Princess went on as she threw a pillow at her.

  ‘I know but you should see yourself my lady,’ Ruby said as she put the pillow back on the bed.

  Tabetha drifted back into her world. She was completely dazzled about this young man.

  ‘I want to marry him,’ she said as she sat up straight,’ we’ll elope to a faraway kingdom. You can come with Ruby.’

  A sudden look of concern crossed Ruby’s face. Maybe Tabetha had become a wee bit too smitten over this Dylane character. This concerned Ruby very much. Would the Princess abandon her home and right to the throne so as to run away with that vagabond?

  ‘Oh Princess, you need to see reason. It is not wise.’

  ‘You do not want to come with? Ruby you can find yourself a good man and live happily ever after.’

  ‘No. I meant eloping with him. Your father would…’

  ‘Neither will he allow me to marry Dylane. I cannot bear to be married to anyone else.’

  ‘Please Tabetha…’

  ‘You dare disrespect me, remember you are just a mere servant,’ she snapped at her.

  Ruby apologized and exited the chamber. It hurt her the way Tabetha had spoken to her. After all they had been through she thought they were friends apart from the fact that they were mistress and servant. She had stood by the Princess and was faithful and loyal. Just because some wanderer had come into the picture, it was no excuse to treat her harshly. Back in the chambers Tabetha felt terrible for the way she had spoken to Ruby. It was just that for once she wanted to be free to do whatever she pleased without anyone to scold her about how careless she was being. She took her cloak and went out to search for Ruby.

  She found her maidservant in her room folding a table cloth. Ruby pretended not to see her and continued with what she was doing.

  ‘Ruby,’ she began, ‘I would like to apologize for the manner I spoke in earlier.’

  ‘It does not matter Princess, I understand you have a lot on your mind and I spoke out of turn,’ Ruby replied indifferently.

  ‘Do not be like that Ruby.’

  ‘Sleep well Princess, I will see you in the morning.’

  Tabetha knew she had upset Ruby. She went over to where Ruby sat and kissed her on the forehead and left without another word. She was not furious at Ruby for dismissing her in that way, she understood that her servant was also a person who felt anger and hurt just like she did.








  King Ballant knocked gently on the Queen’s door. His palms were sweaty and he was not sure of the welcome he would receive upon entering her chambers. He opened the door and entered. She stood up and looked at him in surprise. He walked over to her and felt at a loss for words.

  ‘Ballant what a surprise,’ she began, ‘is there something you need?’

  ‘As a matter of fact there is. I wish to share your bed tonight,’ he replied calmly.

  She gave a laugh and said in astonishment, ‘I thought you said I disgust you?’

  The truth was talking about Tabetha’s betrothal made him give their own marriage a lot of consideration. Maybe if they tried there was hope for Deidre and him.

  ‘Let us try to make amends, I do miss you Deidre.’

  ‘I am afraid I do not share the same sentiments. Save yourself the rejection and leave me be,’ she replied coldly.

  King Ballant breathed heavily in fury. How could she talk to him in such a manner? She was still his wife and he had a right to her? He motioned to leave but then moved closer to her and said spitefully, ‘I was wrong to think there was some hope left for us.’

  He left the room leaving her standing with a blank look on her face. It was all too late to make amends. A lot had been said and done; it would be to no avail. She settled in to sleep and sighed. She wished he would stop trying to make her love him. He had tried and failed before; he was not going to succeed this time.


  Tabetha and Dylane had been seeing each other secretly for a while. Ruby did not dare express her disapproval at this. She went about her duties and did all she was told. It was until one day Tabetha asked her to pack her finest gowns that she spoke out.

  ‘Are you planning on going someplace?’

  ‘I told you before I was going to run away with Dylane, do not act so surprised.’

  ‘Why,’ Ruby expressed in confusion.

  She did not see why the Princess would leave all she had to go live the life of a peasant’s wife.

  ‘I love him,’ she answered instantly.

  ‘Where would you go?’

  ‘Someplace nice and peaceful where we will get married and bear children; maybe someday return and claim my rightful place…’

  ‘I cannot tell you what to do but my lady please think this thoroughly, I will pack and be ready to leave with you if you say the word.’

  Tabetha jumped and embraced her maidservant and expressed, ‘oh Ruby, you will come with, I am so thrilled.’

  Ruby was not. The reason she would go was to look after the Princess. She did not trust this stranger for a split second or his intentions. It was her duty to be there for Tabetha. She packed their belongings and some food for the journe
y. That night they crept out of the palace and met up with Dylane who was waiting for them at the edge of the woods.


  ‘Can you go and fetch me some ville weeds,’ Ardoh asked Martina.

  ‘Sure,’ she said and took a basket from the shelf.

  The last time she had picked roots and herbs for her father was when she was still a girl. She used to love it; Ardoh had taught her everything she knew about herbs and brewing potions. He was a modest man who never took too much pride in his own achievements. Ardoh was always eager to help those in dire need of him. There had been something pacing her mind non-stop lately. She was thinking of asking Ardoh for forgiveness. The current situation had told her that he had already done so but she needed to be sure. Now she felt certain closeness to her father and she felt much stronger as if his presence was fuelling her.

  She found the ville weeds easily and had noticed he was running out of sage so she decided to bring him an assortment of other herbs too. She hummed her way through the forest, picking any herbs or roots she thought would be useful to Ardoh. The sun was high up now and it burnt through her skin. The heat did not bother her, in fact the atmosphere made her feel alive again. She passed three people who sat around a fire with rabbit cooking. She covered her face for it would be risky to have anyone recognize her.

  There were two young women and a man. They all raised their heads when they saw her.

  ‘How do you do?’ Tabetha was first to greet her.

  Martina afforded to only nod. At that moment a soft wind blew and the cloth that covered her face fell. Tabetha gave a loud gasp and pointed at her. It was the woman she saw in her visions.

  ‘That is the woman I see in my…’

  Dylane stood up and looked at her with shock written all over his face. There was no mistaking her face, it was a face he had seen and constantly dreamt of many nights. He was speechless as he stood there looking at her. Martina quickly picked up the cloth and covered her face. She turned to go back the path she had come from.

  ‘Wait,’ Tabetha shouted.

  Wait she did not; instead she quickened her pace. Her heart beat fast. She could feel someone following her and broke into a run. Martina ran all the way to Ardoh’s fortress, never looking back once.

  ‘Demetris,’ she heard her name.

  She froze in her tracks. How could it be possible that this young man had recognized her? He was too young to have known who she really was. He approached her but she still kept her back to him. He turned her around slowly such that they stood face to face. With that he changed back into King Dramon and she gasped and backed away in fear and disbelief.

  ‘Demetris, it cannot be,’ he said in equal disbelief.

  ‘Dramon,’ she said in a whisper.

  He moved closer to her and held her face in his hands. She had not changed much. Yes, it was his Demetris he stood with. This was woman who had left him broken and shamed, with his pride injured. Now to hold her face in his hands and look into her eyes again seemed like a dream come true. He put his arms around her and embraced her tightly as if he would not let go. She wept in his arms letting out all the emotions she bottled up inside all those years. They both stood at a loss for words in each other’s arms. Finally he let go of her and they looked at each other.

  They had both grown; they were no longer as young as they used to be. Although she had not started to wrinkle, she no longer resembled of youth.

  ‘You are alive and well,’ he broke the silence.

  ‘As you can see, I am.’

  ‘But…all these years…’

  ‘It is complicated to explain. Life had different things in store for us,’ she said as she avoided looking him in the eye.

  ‘Yet today our paths cross.’

  ‘Oh Dramon, this is so hard for me,’ she said with a sigh.

  ‘You did not expect to meet the man you left for Ballant of all the man in the world,’ he said as his tone changed to that of anger.

  ‘Hush,’ she said and put a finger to his mouth, ‘the past is not worth revisiting. It is not wise to open up old wounds.’

  ‘Is that it? Do I not deserve an explanation of any kind about why you left me for Ballant and bore him a…’

  ‘I DID NOT,’ she shouted, ‘I never meant to leave you Dramon. My heart was always yours and no one else.’

  ‘Then why? You know I would have married you and made you a queen…’

  ‘Stop it Dramon,’ she demanded, ‘you speak of such love yet you plan to bed my own daughter.’

  ‘I thought you were dead and somehow she reminds me so much of you. She has your eyes…’

  ‘Stop telling me lies. I know exactly why and it has always been about power for you,’ she said.

  He remained quiet looking for the right words to say to her. He gave a small laugh and said, ‘so that is why you left me. I got wind of what The prophesy said some time after you allegedly broke my cruel and power hungry heart. You know I always knew you would never settle for Ballant’s kind but why did you?’

  ‘I did not choose to carry his child. Deidre plotted against me…’

  A tear fell from her eye. He wiped it away with a finger and said, ‘I promise to get you the vengeance that is long overdue on Ballant and his ice queen.’

  She placed a pleading hand on his arm and begged, ‘please Dramon do not do it. I have seen my daughter in my dreams and today I had the chance to take a good look at her and that makes all the anger flee. She is beautiful and I am glad I gave birth to her. So I beg of you do not…’

  ‘I cannot do as you ask?’ he said, ‘those two have taken too much away from me.’

  ‘Do it for me Dramon and I give you my word I will never bother you again. This is my final request to you. I know you loathe me for what happened twenty years ago.’

  He scoffed and shook his head. Did she actually think that now he had found her he was prepared to let her go? He hurt to see her like this. The grandeur she once possessed was gone. In its place was a woman who looked as if she had lived a hard and terrible life. Her clothes were ordinary, different from the fine frocks she once wore as a girl. Her skin was not as fair as it used to be and her hands were callused from hard labor. She saw the look on his face and knew exactly what was going through his mind.

  ‘You have to Dramon; things are not as they were. And I cannot think of what Ballant and Deidre could do if they found out…’

  ‘I loathe how you have always underestimated how powerful I am and have become. I will protect you. Ballant falls to his knees at the very mention of my name,’ he said as the tone of anger came back into his voice.

  She shook her head in disagreement. It was all too late for that. She looked at him one last time, gave him one last kiss and walked away. He did not follow her but watched her until she disappeared into the woods. He turned around and went back to Tabetha and Ruby. He changed back into Dylane. Tabetha was waiting for him and ran towards him.

  ‘Did you catch up with her?’ she asked as he sat down.

  ‘No, she seems to have disappeared,’ he replied.

  He could not stop thinking of Demetris. He could not believe that after all these years of thinking she was dead, he had actually held her and kissed her. Why had she kept hidden from him? She could have taken refuge with him and taken her back, protecting her. King Dramon had forgiven her a long time ago. Although he had been told that she could not conceive another child after Tabetha, he still loved her and yearned to make her his Queen. One thing he was certain of; was that he would get his revenge on Deidre. It did not require a sixth sense to know what she meant when she told him they had plotted against her.

  Tabetha watched him carefully. His eyes had changed their color; they were darkened and full of loathing. They were no longer warm and inviting as they usually were. Something had changed about him.

  ‘Are you alright?’ she asked.

  ‘I am,’ he replied,’ we should get
ready to move.’

  Something told her that he was not telling her the truth. She kept an eye on him during their journey. Ruby sensed it too. Tabetha could see her passing glances at him.

  ‘Where exactly are we going?’ Ruby asked him.

  ‘To Damius,’ he replied coldly.

  ‘Should we be going there?’ Ruby asked Tabetha.

  ‘No. Dylane I thought you said we were going somewhere nice…’

  ‘And who said Damius is not?’ he snapped fiercely at her.

  His tone startled her. She was used to being spoken to nicely.

  ‘How dare…’

  ‘I dare do as I please,’ he roared.

  She could be haughty and conceited at times, if not always. He wondered how he put up with her up to now. He had been patient with her because he so wanted her to bear him a child, an heir.

  ‘You cannot talk to her like that,’ Ruby said.

  ‘Or what? King Ballant and his army are far away now. We passed the border line; you are in my kingdom now.’

  With that statement a group of Damian warriors emerged from behind some trees and seized Tabetha and Ruby. He watched with an evil grin on his face. The two young women looked at him wondering why he had not been seized as they were being.

  ‘Dylane,’ she yelled.

  He just turned his back on them and ordered the men to take them to the castle. She tried to fight free but they overpowered her which made her give in. How could he betray her like this? After all the love she had shown him, he would leave her in the hands of the enemy. She began to wonder who he really was and why King Dramon’s men took orders from him. Maybe he held a high rank in his army or was a relation of King Dramon. Little did she know that her beloved Dylane was actually the King of Damius hidden beneath disguise.


  Ardoh was beginning to worry gravely. Martina had been crying ever since she returned from picking herbs. She had locked herself in her quarters and wept since. He tried to think what would upset her so. The last time she had wept such was when he had made her break things off with Prince Dramon. What had happened in the forest? She could not have possibly seen him because King Dramon rarely left his kingdom nowadays.

  Softly, he knocked on her door but she did not answer. He knocked for a second time and still she did not answer. He leaned against the door and said, ‘Demetris dear child, open up.’

  He heard the slow dragging of feet and seconds later the door opened. His heart sank at the state in which she was in. His paternal instincts told him to take his daughter into his arms and comfort her and he did so. He held her until he felt she had stopped crying. She composed herself and sat down.

  ‘I saw Dramon in the forest, he was with my daughter. Goodness me, I do not even know what they named her…’

  ‘They named her Tabetha.’

  ‘I spoke to him and I could not help feel torn apart. It felt as if a part of me was lost to him.’

  ‘Do not cry…’

  ‘No he is not the reason I cry, it is because he refused me my request. Never has he refused me anything. It should not bother me but I fear he does not love me anymore. I asked him to stop for me and he said no in my face,’ she said as she started to weep again.

  ‘Did he actually say so?’ Ardoh asked.

  She shook her head, ‘it is all the same.’

  ‘Dramon could never refuse you a thing. You are his one weakness and his love for you never died. It can be seen in the way he loathes and despises Ballant and Deidre. Did you explain to him what took place?’

  ‘No I could not stand telling him. He would definitely seek revenge.’

  ‘Do you not want them to pay for what they did to you?’ he asked curiously.

  She was silent for a while. In the depths of her heart she desired to see Deidre to pay for all she had done but to what end. King Dramon had spent twenty years in a state of anger and torture. It was time to set him free of the burden. It was too much he fight her battles. From what she had heard, his army would destroy Jarethafat and leave nothing where it passed. Then she remembered the look on his face when she had mentioned how Deidre had plotted against her. Suddenly a thought hit her and she broke out, ‘I have to go see him.’

  ‘We have been through this…’

  ‘No it is about something else.’

  ‘He wishes to take revenge?’

  She nodded and motioned to make an exit but he stopped her. She did not put up a fight. She had grown to respect him once more and to love him as her father. Instead she waited to hear what he had to say.

  ‘Do not rush dear child, let me prepare for you some food for the journey and a warm quilt.’

  How kind of him, she thought and reached out to give him a peck on the cheek. He acknowledged the gesture and smiled.

  ‘Do forgive me for my past indiscretions,’ she said, thinking of no better moment to tell him how she felt.

  ‘I did a long time ago,’ he said and went to prepare for her journey.

  She rode off the following dawn. He made her promise to come back to him some day. Their farewell was brief because they both dreaded it being emotional. By the time the sun was high in the sky, she had covered a large distance. She just hoped she could bring him to his senses. She knew he was a very stubborn man and required a lot of persuasion.


  King Dramon sat with his hands curled up in fists. He was in a state of turmoil, suffering from mixed emotions. Raphael had given orders for him not to be disturbed. Whatever made him so agitated had to be serious. King Dramon started breathing heavily. If it were not for Queen Deidre, he could have everything he desired; Demetris as his queen and a powerful son to take after him and help him achieve wonders. Now he had nothing sentimental to hold on to. That was it, he thought as he stormed his foot. King Ballant was going to pay and get exactly what he deserved.

  At that moment as he was thinking of readying his army to march for Jarethafat, Tabetha was pacing the room in which she and Ruby had been given. It was nicely furnished, fit for royalty especially a princess. She was fuming in loathing towards Dylane. He had sold them into the hands of King Dramon. She jumped in fright when the doors suddenly opened and King Dramon walked in. She backed away for she feared what he had come to do with her. He looked at her and then ordered for Ruby to leave the room. Ruby hesitated not sure if it was safe to leave the Princess alone with him. Tabetha gave her a reassuring nod and she left as ordered.

  ‘My father will hear of this,’ she spat at him.

  He remained awfully calm, not at all shaken by her threat. He cleared his throat and spoke, ‘run ahead and send word because what he will do is nothing compared to what I have planned for him.’

  A sudden look of shock crossed her face. She feared for her father so much she asked, ‘why have you brought me here?’

  He studied her face for a while as if he was trying to read her mind. Fear was written all over it and she looked tense.

  ‘To protect you, before dawn I will ride with my army to see to the destruction of Jarethafat.’

  Tabetha gasped in terror. His voice spoke of evil will and intent and she knew he meant each word he had said. She sat on the bed with a drop and shook her head.

  ‘Why are you doing this? You have me here, what else do you desire?’ she asked weakly.

  He scoffed at this. Of course in the beginning he had intended on making her his bride but after seeing the pleading in Demetris’s eyes he could not. He could have just sent Tabetha back home but he knew if any harm befell her, Demetris would never forgive him. So he had brought her to his palace in a bid to keep her safe and out of harm’s way. If only she knew and understood what was really taking place. How she had her mother’s eyes and how much she reminded him of her.

  ‘I will then gladly die together with my father and mother.’

  ‘Your mother? You have no idea whom you speak of,�
� he said furiously.

  She was taken aback by the change of tone. No longer was his voice or facial expression calm and steady. Was there something he knew of her mother that had been kept hidden from her?

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You have her eyes,’ he said as he found himself softening towards her, ‘your father took her from me…’

  ‘My mother?’

  ‘Not Deidre, but your real mother Tabetha. The woman you see in your visions…’

  ‘The woman in the woods,’ she said to herself in a whisper,’ but how did you know I met her in the woods?’

  He changed into Dylane to show her how he knew. She was petrified and could not utter a word. What she witnessed scared her. How could her lovely Dylane be King Dramon?

  ‘Dylane,’ she said after a while.

  ‘No,’ he said and turned himself back, ‘that was all me. He never existed, I made you see him.’

  Tabetha bit her lower lip to keep the tears that threatened her eyes from falling. She was heartbroken to find out that it had been King Dramon all along deceiving her. She felt more hate that she had ever felt in her entire life, for him.

  ‘Why do you torment me so?’

  He sat down next to her and sighed. Answering her question was more difficult than he had anticipated. Demetris had haunted his thoughts for many years. He stood up and went for the door; he could not bear to be near anything that bore so much resemblance to her any longer.

  ‘You loved her,’ she said.

  He stopped with his back to her and deliberated on her words, ‘a lot more than you can imagine, I never stopped.’

  ‘Is she the friend you spoke of…who could see the future like I can?’

  ‘Yes, that is whom you got your gift from.’

  He left the room as he thought of the things he was prepared to do all in the name of love. Even he, widely feared and respected had a weakness; like everyone who fell prey to love was vulnerable. She still sat in thought. It puzzled her how she did not seem surprised that Queen Deidre was not her real mother. The two of them looked nothing alike and had absolutely nothing in common. But this woman King Dramon spoke of, they looked so alike and shared so much more than that which was visible.


  Martina reached Damius by the following dusk, tired and exhausted from her long, rough journey through the forest. Not once along the way had she stopped to rest or even eat. She entered the city gates and rode straight for the castle. Sadly, the guards would not allow her entry. Martina fell to her knees and begged them to let her in but they made fun of her and poked her with their spears.

  ‘Go away beggar, the King does not attend to peasants at this hour,’ one of them taunted.

  Ezeck heard the pleading of a woman as he passed through the main doors and went over to see what was taking place. The woman was on her knees as she pleaded with them. When he saw her face he scolded them and quickly helped her to her feet. He looked both happy and surprised to see her.

  ‘My lady,’ he said and kissed her hand.

  ‘Oh Ezeck,’ she said in relief, ‘where is he, tell me he is still here?’

  Ezeck reassured her that King Dramon had not ridden for Jarethafat as was planned but would be doing so the following dawn. He told her how he had not been himself lately as she showed her to the King’s study. King Dramon stood up and rushed towards her when he saw her enter. Ezeck left them understanding there was much to be discussed between the two of them. He remembered when King Dramon had still been young and had fallen in love with Demetris. He had watched him grow into the man he now was, powerful and respected.

  ‘Demetris,’ he expressed in surprise.

  ‘Oh Dramon,’ she said his name back.

  ‘You have come to me.’

  ‘I am here, do not seek retribution on my behalf,’ she spoke kindly and affectionately.

  He stroked her head with one hand and whispered, ‘I will only give my word if you swear to never leave me again.’

  ‘I shan’t leave you then, I never wanted to,’ she replied.

  ‘Come dear,’ King Dramon said as he took her hand, ‘we have much to discuss.’

  She led her to a chair and helped her sit. He pulled another and sat next to her. Martina narrated all that had transpired up to that very hour they sat together. He listened to her every word attentively and held her hand when tears welled in her eyes. However evil he was, when it came to her his heart melted like silver dipped in lava. It was no use hiding the truth, she thought as she spoke. They had found their way to each other. King Dramon deserved to know it all.

  ‘You have to understand, I never meant for you to hurt. I know you must hate me…’

  ‘Hush, do not speak of such. Of course I was angry but to speak of hate for you is unimaginable. You are a good woman and I cannot condemn you for that.’

  For a minute he looked different. The features on his face looked soft and at ease. Martina felt glad for the first time in a long period of suffering and confliction. After thinking all hope had been lost, it finally seemed like that which had been lost was being rejuvenated. She could be with the man she longed for, the one and only. Afterwards they toured the castle and she was impressed by all its grandeur. They laughed and spoke as if they had not a worry in the world. He showed her the garden which had beds of wild roses in bloom.

  Wild roses had always been her favorite and she remembered a time he picked them for her when they had been young. The first time he had done so was the day they had first spoken. She had accompanied Lady Deidre to a tournament. She had no interest in violence and had decided to wander off and explore. Prince Dramon had followed her and watched her admire the roses but she could not pluck one. It was forbidden to pluck flowers from royal gardens and she feared the severe punishment. The roses looked watered and healthy; how she longed to take one and put it in her hair.

  Prince Dramon had come and stood beside her. She curtsied and lowered her head in respect and modesty. He picked a rose for her and put it in her hair. This gesture took her by surprise. He had just engaged in combat in the tournament and she had caught his fancy. He had been watching her as she sat in the stands next to Lady Deidre.

  ‘Morgade would not object to my picking this rose for a fair maiden as you my lady,’ he said.

  ‘But sire, I am only but just the daughter of a mere physician.’

  ‘Never have I set sight on such captivating eyes, what a rare treasure you possess. I fear I have been made prisoner by them,’ he continued.

  ‘I am humbled by your kind and considerate words,’ she said and left his presence with a bow.

  He had continued to charm her until against her best judgment she had given in. She knew he was not perfect but had loved him still unconditionally. Rumor that he possessed strange magical powers had reached her but she had loved him all the same.