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Tale of Royals: Book 1 Page 2


  Dramon looked out over the balcony of his palace. From there he could see how far his kingdom stretched. Still he remained dissatisfied with what he had. He wanted more, to rule the entire land. His army was the most feared in the whole realm including the kingdom of Jarethafat ruled by King Ballant. Jarethafat lay in the east and he had yet to conquer it and those in the midden and northern tribes. His kingdom stretched from the west to the south, the largest of them all. Although most of the land was covered in mountains and deep woods he was still the ruler of the largest and most feared kingdom of Damius.

  Dramon was a great warrior whose fighting skills were widely spoken of. He was quite intimidating even to look at. Dramon who was a very tall man always made those in his presence feel so small. He had long dark hair and big dark eyes that could pierce through one’s eyes. He was a strong man of thew. Up until that moment he had not feared a thing. As he looked at his kingdom he realized he would need an heir to rule it when he was deceased. It was true he was not young and had not had much luck in winning the hearts of maidens.

  He had not had the time, with him being busy concentrating on extending his kingdom and raiding nearby settlements owned by other kingdoms. Now he stood wondering what would become of his empire if he were to die without an heir to take in his footsteps.

  ‘You seem troubled sire,’ Raphael, his most faithful aide and servant said.

  ‘A rare sight, isn’t it Raphael?’ he said.

  ‘Indeed sire,’ his servant responded.

  ‘Call me Ezeck. I will see him in my counsel hall,’ Dramon said and walked away.

  When Ezeck entered Dramon was sitting on his throne with a worried look on his face. He did not even look up at Ezeck when he came in but just kept staring in to the open space. A lot of things seemed to be eating his mind.

  ‘You summoned me my king,’ Ezeck said with a slight bow.

  ‘I have had sleepless nights,’ he began, ‘I fear for the future of my kingdom.’

  His adviser looked at him in understanding. He knew what troubled his king and where their conversation was going. It was time King Dramon found himself a bride to bear him children.

  ‘I will see what I can do sire,’ Ezeck said, ‘I will find you a bride.’

  ‘Not just any,’ he warned, ‘she has to be of noble birth. We have appearance to keep…’

  ‘Yes sire…’

  ‘I was not finished,’ he roared.

  ‘Pardon your servant my king.’

  King Dramon was in a very horrid mood from the tone in which he spoke with. He was usually calm but bold. His mood that day was unpredictable.

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘Did his majesty have someone in mind?’

  Dramon was quiet for some time deliberating on the question. Yes he did have someone in mind, someone who was an heir to a kingdom he so very much wanted for himself. Their union would open an opportunity for him to do exactly as he pleased. He would have it to take and dissolve into his own thereby extending his kingdom further. Ezeck waited patiently and saw a wicked smile appear on Dramon’s face.

  ‘Yes my friend and her name is Princess Tabetha.’

  ‘Well thought of sire. I will start preparation to send word to King Ballant.’

  ‘You may leave then,’ he ordered.

  Ezeck gave a bow and left the room. He knew exactly the reason why he had chosen Princess Tabetha even though he was old enough to be her father. Meanwhile Dramon sat thinking of what would happen if this union succeeded. Not only would it unite the two rival kingdoms but the child born of their marriage would be more powerful than anyone could imagine.


  ‘Tabetha wake up,’ Ruby said as she drew the curtains to the windows.

  ‘Go away,’ she said sleepily.

  ‘Such ill-fitting behavior for a crown princess,’ Ruby said with a laugh.

  Tabetha woke up reluctantly and dragged her feet to the wash basin. In no time with the help of loyal and faithful maidservant Ruby she was dressed and ready for the day.

  ‘At times I wonder why I have to do all this,’ she complained endlessly.

  ‘Because you are the crown princess,’ Ruby answered calmly each time.

  ‘I just want to be free. Free to do as I please without guards watching my every move,’ she complained further.

  ‘It is required.’


  Tabetha went outside to feel the sun. She loved the outdoors and nature. She would often go pick some flowers and ride to the rivers where she would listen to the smooth flow of the water. Her father had taught her to embrace nature’s gifts with a deep appreciation. She went hunting with him some of the times and had started her defense classes with one of her father’s great fighters Nicolay. He was the best in the whole court and her father adored his great strength and perseverance.

  ‘Good morning, my lady.’

  ‘Good morning Pete,’ she replied happily.

  A magnitude of people loved the princess and knew she would make a great queen one day when she had overcome her childhood haughtiness. Tabetha went for the stables and mounted her horse and rode out of the castle walls. Although she had been warned not to leave unattended she was stubborn. She loved the way the wind hit her face and the smell of wild flowers. From a distance she could hear the gallops of another horse following close behind and she pulled the reigns to stop her horse. To her relief it was Ruby and not one of her guards trying to drag her back to the castle.

  ‘You almost gave me a fright,’ she scolded her.

  ‘I apologize but you should never have left me.’

  ‘What are you doing following me?’

  ‘I had a hunch you would try to sneak out plus if I remember well it is my duty,’ Ruby replied.

  Tabetha gave a laugh and expressed, ‘you know too well.’

  At that moment she let out a terrible scream as if she felt unimaginable pain. Tabetha fell from her horse and landed on the hard ground with a thud. Her hands were held against her head and she wriggled on the dirty earth screaming. Ruby jumped off her horse and ran to her mistress. Ruby shook her but Tabetha did not respond but kept screaming.

  ‘Princess,’ she yelled.

  For a moment Tabetha went dead still and her eyes opened. She stared into the sky without moving or even blinking. Ruby knew this scenario all too well, this was not the first time she had witnessed the princess go into one of her attacks. After a while Tabetha gave a cough and sat up.

  ‘How did I get down here?’ she asked

  ‘It happened again,’ Ruby replied in worry.

  ‘I remember now. I heard voices of a woman pleading, begging and a man,’ she recounted slowly.

  ‘Is it the same woman as before?

  She only managed to nod her head in agreement. With a sigh Ruby helped her to her feet and wiped the dust off her face.

  ‘You see princess, you should not be alone,’ Ruby scolded her.

  ‘Oh do not start. Besides it has been a while since I have had the visions, I thought they had stopped,’ she paused, ‘do you think I am insane?’

  ‘Goodness no, I think there is a plausible explanation to it all.’

  ‘Then let us be on our way.’

  They mounted their horses and rode back to the castle. They did not speak along the way. King Ballant ran to the doors as soon as he heard his daughter run up the staircase. He opened the door before she could put her hand on the knob. Tabetha stopped abruptly as she continued to breathe heavily.


  ‘Tabetha you dare disobey me, again?’

  ‘I was just having fun,’ she said.

  ‘You had me worried. These are dangerous times my dear, you know there is the possibility of an attack by King Dramon. I heard he is sending a messenger due to arrive at dusk,’ he warned and walked back to his chambers.

  She just made a face and went to her own chambers. She was not concerned
in these matters, they rather bore her. Tabetha disliked it when he scolded her as if she were still a child. She was of age and soon would be ready to find herself a suitor. Her father loved her she knew but he had to accept she was no longer a child. She suddenly felt hungry and yearned for something to eat. Maybe after her meal she would visit her mother who had recently taken ill. It troubled her that she was nothing like her mother Queen Deidre. They did not share any resemblance nor had she inherited some of her attributes. Maybe she took after her father, she thought. Either way she loved both her parents and could not wish for any other.

  That evening as they sat to dine, Perth her father’s aide came in with news that the messenger had arrived. He whispered it into the king’s ear and left the room. King Ballant excused himself from the table and stood to take leave.

  ‘Is everything alright?’ Queen Deidre asked.

  He did not respond but left the room in a hurry as he followed Perth to the hall. There he met King Dramon’s messenger who wore the black, the royal color of Damius. The messenger was hooded as so Dramon preferred all his warriors be.

  ‘A message from King Dramon of Damius to King Ballant of Jarethafat,’ the messenger said with a bow.

  King Ballant had feared this moment for a long time but knew there was no avoiding it. It was a message of impending war, it had to be. Dramon was finally going to attack his beloved kingdom. He needed to ready his army and tighten defenses around the castle. His mind raced here and there as sweat balls emanated on his forehead. He also needed new recruitment to beat the large numbers of the Damian army. The Damian army was skilled and well trained just like the man who stood in front of him awaiting a response for his king. The man was no mere messenger, maybe an assassin.

  The message written had to be important for Dramon to send one of his warriors instead of an ordinary messenger. And no message could more important than that of war. It had to be an ultimatum, he was sure. The messenger cleared his throat having seen that King Ballant had lost himself in his thoughts.

  ‘What message do you bring?’ he asked.

  The messenger handed him the sealed parchment and stepped backwards as a sign of respect. King Ballant sighed and broke the seal and opened the letter slowly. His mouth dropped in both shock and relief as he read the contents of the message. After he had finished he looked at the messenger and back at the parchment. It could not be.

  ‘Tell your master I will deliberate on it,’ he finally said and waved a dismissive hand.

  The messenger left and Queen Deidre was waiting outside the room. She ran towards her husband only to find him looking very troubled and pale. He kept his eyes fixed on the parchment that held the message that had left him dumbfounded.

  ‘What is it?’ she asked, ‘is it an ultimatum?’

  He shook his head slowly and said, ‘it is more than that.’

  ‘Is it war?’

  ‘No, King Dramon has sent word that he wishes to ask for Tabetha’s hand,’ he finally said after a brief silence.

  Deidre gasped in disbelief, ‘why?’

  ‘I do not know, it says he will ride here in seven days to formalize the engagement,’ Ballant replied.

  ‘But you have not agreed…’

  ‘Do you think Dramon cares? I fear it is either we agree to it or he will wage war on us.’

  Queen Deidre went and knelt at her husband’s feet and took his hands into hers. Tabetha was all they had and they could not marry her off to King Dramon. Considering she was crown princess, then it would mean Jarethafat would be his. A thought hit her and she realized why he was eager to marry Tabetha. For so long he had wanted their kingdom and this was a way of getting it.

  ‘It is a way of obtaining Jarethafat,’ she hissed.

  ‘I believe so, but I have always known him to use war to get what he wants. I never expected this from him.’

  ‘You cannot allow him to marry her,’ she said as she snatched the parchment from him.

  ‘I cannot risk war.’

  ‘But your own daughter…’

  ‘It has to be done. Then we will have the kingdom of Damius as an ally,’ he reasoned.

  She threw his hands away and stood up. Her hands were curled up in fists, expressing her fury and disapproval. Why would Ballant take the easy way out? They could not just bow down at every one of Dramon’s demands. King Dramon was a bully who took pleasure in toying around with other people’s lives. She threw her hands in the air and shouted, ‘after all I risked and did so that we could have her, and you decide to marry her off to Dramon of all people. Where is your heart Ballant…’

  He rose with a violent start and moved towards her. She moved a few steps backwards knowing she had provoked him and opened up old wounds.

  ‘I will send you to the dungeons if you dare mention that ever,’ he warned as he breathed heavily.

  ‘Forgive my indiscretions my king, I will go and inform her of her suitor. I will also see to it that preparations are under way for our guest’s arrival,’ she said and left the room having kissed his hand in submission.

  Queen Deidre knocked gently on Tabetha’s door. Form inside she heard her daughter’s shout and she opened the door. Tabetha sat on a stool and Ruby was brushing her hair. The Queen looked ill at ease and weary.

  ‘Let me Ruby,’ she said as she took the brush from the servant’s hand.

  Ruby curtsied and left the room.

  ‘Mother, it is so rare of you to visit. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?’ Tabetha asked with a smile.

  ‘I love you dear child,’ she began, ‘I will miss your presence here terribly.’

  Tabetha failed to understand what the Queen meant. What did her mother mean by her words? Queen Deidre saw her confusion and went on to tell her daughter about her arranged marriage to King Dramon. Tabetha broke into tears. She could not imagine having to wed a man she had heard nothing but terrible things about plus he was too old for her. When she had given thought about her suitor she had imagined someone younger and kind. The Queen comforted her as she cried and let out the sorrow that suddenly gripped her.

  ‘I do not want to marry him, he is evil,’ she said in between sobs.

  ‘Hush child, King Dramon is a great warrior and leader. I am sure he will find ways to make you happy,’ Queen Deidre said.

  ‘Oh mother.’

  ‘All will be well child, now get some rest. You will be alright after a good night’s sleep.’

  Queen Deidre kissed Tabetha on the forehead and tucked her in. After she had made sure Tabetha was comfortable she left for her own chambers. Alone in her chambers the princess wept softly about her misfortune. Why would her father agree to such an arrangement? Was she not their only child and the heir to the throne? She felt devastated and hopeless. She knew nothing she did or said would change her father’s mind. Tabetha had heard many terrifying and horrid things that King Dramon did and she did not fancy being his queen. How did her mother expect her to sleep when she felt such sadness and weary?


  Word reached King Ballant’s ear that King Dramon and his envoy had set camp close by and would be arriving at noon the following day. Everyone was in frenzy and last minute touches were made to ensure everything was perfect. Queen Deidre waited patiently until it was dark to ride out of the castle gates. She urged her horse to run as fast as its hooves could carry it. It was a while before she came upon King Dramon’s campsite. She left her horse in the woods and walked silently towards hi tent. She stopped by at the entrance and took off her hood to reveal her identity. The guards bowed and let her in.

  Inside King Dramon sat as if he was expecting her to show up. He looked at her as she entered and a grin played around his lips, that of triumph.

  ‘Well, well, well, look what we have here,’ he said as he stood up and moved closer to her, ‘still beautiful I see.’

  ‘You have such nerve Dramon,’ she spat out.

  ‘If you
can’t have the mother, better have the daughter,’ he whispered provocatively in her ear.

  ‘I would have never married you…’

  He laughed out loudly and walked over to the table where he poured himself some water and took one huge gulp. He looked at her and studied her expression and gave another laugh.

  ‘What do you find so humorous?’

  ‘The fact that I was not referring to you,’ he paused, ‘after all you are not her mother. Tell me Deidre, what do you think I would have done with a barren woman like you?’

  Queen Deidre raised her hand to slap him but he caught it before it hit him in the face. He tightened his grip on her hand and she winced. She tried to fight but he was too strong for her and she gave up.

  ‘Careful,’ he warned.

  ‘How dare you?’ she was almost in tears.

  ‘You should not have done what you did back then,’ he answered.

  ‘I…I…,’ she stammered.

  ‘You killed her and you will pay one of these days,’ he said, ‘and this I promise you.’

  He let go of her hand and motioned for her to leave. She looked at him in disdain and left the tent. Dramon smiled to himself and basked in the moment. Soon he would get the revenge he craved, he could feel it.

  Later on Queen Deidre settled in her chambers feeling tired and very angry. So this was what it was all about. Dramon was only interested in taking his revenge on Ballant and her. She needed to make her husband see reason that marriage between Dramon and Tabetha would be the end of his reign. The past was slowly coming back to haunt them. Even if Tabetha was not her biological daughter she still loved and cared for her. Dramon had to be stopped even if it meant killing him. But how to do it would be the problem, he was a powerful man with a very strong and deadly army at his disposal.